Can I bypass transparent DNS filters and hijacking with DD-WRT/Linux routers?

Some ISPs (Internet Service Providers) use Transparent DNS Proxies which cause 3rd party DNS servers (such as Getflix) not to work.

Transparent DNS Proxy is used by the ISPs to intercept DNS lookup requests (TCP/UDP port 53) and transparently proxy these data packets to their DNS servers. Unfortunately, this forces your PC/Mac/Modem/Router to use your ISPs DNS service rather than the Getflix DNS servers.

If you have a DD-WRT router or any other router that uses Linux OS, you can bypass your ISP's transparent DNS proxy using your routers custom firewall rules. Our DNS servers run on the alternative TCP/UDP ports 5300.

In order to do this, please follow these steps:

1. Log in to your DD-WRT router and and select Setup and then Basic Setup.

2. Scroll down to Network Address Server Settings (DHCP) and Enable DHCP.

3. Change Static DNS 1 to Change Static DNS 2 to

4. Disable Use DNSMasq for DNS. 
Scroll down and Click on Apply Settings.

5. On your DD-WRT control panel, select ADMINISTRATION from the top right section. Then Select Commands from the tabs below.

6. Paste Followings to the Commands Shell > Commands section.

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br0 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to <GETFLIX DNS SERVER 1>:5300
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br0 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to <GETFLIX DNS SERVER 1>:5300
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br0 -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to <GETFLIX DNS SERVER 1>:5300
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br0 -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to <GETFLIX DNS SERVER 2>:5300

7. Click on Save Startup. If needed, Paste the above code again and then Click on Save Firewall.

Reboot your router and then every device connected to your dd-wrt router will be benefiting from Getflix even though your ISP does transparent DNS lookups.

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