D-Link Router - Public DNS Block - Access Control for Roku

Access Control of Roku with Blocking Google Public DNS

Some services across the web hardcoded forced DNS lookups to public DNS servers (including Google) in their apps and devices. Dlinkrouter is one of those devices.  Although Google boasts that it has made numerous improvements in the areas of speed, security, and validity of results, it bypasses any DNS servers which are used by your ISP and effectively blocks the possibility of using any Smart DNS service. Therefore, your dlinkrouter will not allow you to bypass geolocation and watch your favorite streaming shows.

There are several ways of preventing your D-Link router device from accessing Google DNS. One of them is to setting up static routes but it is not always possible and it is quite complex so it is not recommended for unexperienced users who do not feel comfortable setting up routers.

This is an alternative method for blocking Google DNS on Dlink routers which are not able to set up LAN based static routes, by using a feature called Access Control.

  1. Login to your router from your computers browser.
  2. Select 'Advanced' from the tabs across the top of the screen.

  3. Select 'Access Control' from the left hand tabs.

  4. On the Access Control screen, make sure 'Enable Access Control' is checked, and click 'Add Policy'.

  5. On the next screen, you will be shown the steps, the wizard will guide you through, click 'Next'

  6. Enter a Policy Name, this can be anything you want, and click 'Next'

  7. Make sure 'Always' is selected, and click 'Next'

  8. Select Machine - Check ‘Other Machines’ click 'Add' then click 'Next'

  9. Filtering Method - Check against 'Block Some Access' and 'Apply Advanced Port Filters'  click 'Next'

  10. Port Filter - Check the Enable box, and enter the following details
    • Name - Anything you want.
    • Dest IP Start -
    • Dest IP End -
  11. Leave other settings as they are, no need to adjust these.
    • Repeat steps for 
    • Dest IP Start -
    • Dest IP End -
  12. Then click 'Save' to save settings. Reboot your router.

    While performing the reboot of your dlinkrouter, turn the device off, unplug the power cable from the router, wait for 30 seconds, plug the router in and turn it back on. Your D-Link router should now effectively block Google DNS lookups. You can now set up your network with the Getflix servers to have unrestricted access to all your favorite movies, shows, sporting events and music.


Above information is only to block Google DNS on your D-Link router which is a must for Roku to function. If you would like to access Netflix App on your Roku device, you also need to add Netflix IPs to your devices static routing settings to reroute Netflix traffic over Getflix network. Please find our additional router settings here: https://getflix.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/202281524-Block-Public-DNS-Overview

Please reach support if you need any further help on this case. You can reach our support from our Contact-Us page.

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