Full VPN Setup for DD-WRT Routers: OpenVPN

Below, you will find Open VPN setup instructions for DD-WRT Routers for Getflix VPN & SmartVPN networks.

We presume the following configurations before starting to setup;

  1. You have already tested OpenVPN on your PC to ensure that your network configuration and ISP allows OpenVPN connections.
  2. You have already flashed your router with the newest DD-WRT firmware v24-sp2. DD-WRT v24-sp2 (12/22/14) build have been used while preparing this tutorial. Previous or other builds may have bugs preventing OpenVPN connections.
  3. You have already hard reset or restore the factory defaults via administration menu.
  4. Your DD-WRT router is connected to your first router via wifi or ethernet.
  5. When you connect to DD-WRT router via wi-fi or ethernet  from your PC, you can access internet.
  6. Your DD-WRT router local IP address is
  7. Your first router has different LAN subnet for ex.

Start setup process with the followings;

1. Connect to the DD-WRT router using either an Ethernet cable, or by joining the wireless network ‘dd-wrt’. Open a web browser, and load the following address: Note, set your network connection to obtain IP address automatically if you connect to your router via Ethernet.

Check your DD-WRT firmware. Software version that has been tested to work on VPN servers is DD-WRT newer build. Builds or versions other than v24-sp2 (12/22/14) may have bugs preventing OpenVPN connections.

2. Go to Setup then select "Basic Setup”.

3. Uncheck all three checkboxes for "Use DNSMasq for DHCP”, "Use DNSMasq for DNS” and "DHCP-Authoritative” and enter and, and into "Static DNS 1” , "Static DNS 2” , "Static DNS 3”, "Static DNS 4” textbox as seen on the screenshot. Check checkbox "DHCP server”.

4. Apply Settings.

5. Click on "Security” then "Firewall” and set "SPI Firewall” to "Disable” and click "Apply settings” button to save.

6. Go to „Services” and select „VPN”.

7. Set "Start OpenVPN Client” to "Enable”.

NOTE: if your OpenVPN version is 2.6 or higher, you need to add the following line in the "Additional Config" field:
data-ciphers AES-256-CBC

8. Go to „Administration” and reboot router.

After reboot it should connect to the VPN automatically. Please wait up to 1 minutes for OpenVPN connection to be established. You can check the connection status by going to "Status” and "OpenVPN” tab. You should see "Client: CONNECTED:  SUCCESS”.

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