API Resource: Regions
The 'Regions' resource allows you to get and set the region settings available on some services supported by Getflix.
Note: Not all regions are available for all services, if you specify an invalid region for a particular service, an error will be returned.
GET v1/regions.json
Returns a complete array of region objects, each containing a service name and a 2-character ISO country code.
Return Data
[ { "service": <serviceName>, "region": <regionCode> } ]
Example Usage
curl -u <api_key>:x -X GET https://www.getflix.com.au/api/v1/regions.json
[ { "service": "netflix", "region": "CA" }, { "service": "wdtv", "region": "GB" }, { "service": "theplatform", "region": "US" }, { "service": "brightcove", "region": "US" }, { "service": "sony", "region": "US" } ]
POST v1/regions.json
Updates the region for a specified service. Only one service can be updated at a time, and the following JSON object must be present in the POST body.
{ "service": <serviceName>, "region": <regionCode>}
serviceName: is a valid service name (see region list below)
regionCode: is the ISO 2-letter country code for the region to switch to (in upper-case).
Example Usage
curl -u <api_key>:x -X POST -d '{"service":"netflix","region":"US"}' https://www.getflix.com.au/api/v1/regions.json
GET v1/regions/list.json
Fetches a list of services and the valid regions each service can be switched to.
Example Usage
curl -u <api_key>:x -X GET https://www.getflix.com.au/api/v1/regions/list.json